There is always something going on just around the corner at Preston Place! Here are some of the amenities we offer, but if you have a question that isn’t answered in this information, just ask! We will figure it out together.
- Monthly Activity Calendar – On the first of each new month, all residents receive a new calendar that lists all of the daily activities for the month. The calendar is also posted on the bulletin board outside of the nurse’s station, and we always keep extra copies on hand for family, friends, and visitors. We also write the daily activities on a chalkboard outside of the Activity Room and go door-to-door reminding residents to join us for a fun time! Activities range from live music entertainment on guitar or piano, to cooking classes, arts and crafts, chair yoga and exercise stretches, or trivia to exercise our minds. Most activities on the calendar take place in our Activity Room, unless it is otherwise stated.
- Field Trips– Occasionally, a field trip will be on the monthly activity calendar. We try to go out to eat once a month, but during the summer months especially we also like to catch a Kingsport Mets baseball game, see a play at Barter Theatre, or watch cloggers and listen to Americana music at the Carter Family Fold, all tourist attractions in our region. While field trips are advertised in advance on the monthly calendar, space is limited for transportation, so the Activity Director will post a sign-up sheet outside the Activity Room and also go around to personally invite residents to attend. Residents simply agree to go, and the price for the field trip will be charged to the resident’s monthly statement so that running out of cash is never a concern.
- Ordering Take-Out for Lunch– For those who may not want to go out to eat but would like restaurant food from time to time, we also order take-out from a local restaurant twice a month. Not only will this be advertised on the monthly calendar, but the Activity Director will also go to residents’ apartments and invite them to order take-out with us, assist them in making menu selections, go get the food, and serve it to residents in the Activity Room. Similar to field trips, the take-out lunch bill will be put on each resident’s monthly statement.
- Preston Place General Store – To assist residents who cannot get out easily to shop, we have a general store that offers canned drinks, snacks, candy, sugar-free candy, and hygiene products such as toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, and more. Residents can have the items billed to their monthly statement. Our General Store is located on the 300 hall.
- Public Library Membership – Preston Place also has a membership at the Kingsport Public Library! Any resident can request that our Transportation Assistant pick up library material, and we will pick up, drop off, and exchange books as needed.
- Family Events – For special holidays like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, and Christmas, we invite family members to join us in celebrating! We also have other fun events throughout the year when we invite family and friends to join us as well. Although anyone is welcome to join us in activities, we have special events throughout the year to continue making memories in your new home. Some residents have even planned their private family get-togethers in the Activity Room, around the activity schedule!
- Conference Room – Our conference room also serves as a private dining room for smaller family birthdays or meals. Just let our Office Assistant know when you need it, and we’ll reserve it for your next event!
- Birthday Celebrations – Every month there is a birthday party with live entertainment, sweet treats, and balloons to celebrate the residents whose birthdays fall in that month. This way, everyone’s birthday is sure to be celebrated, and typically our monthly celebration won’t interfere with a personal family birthday celebration.
- Quarterly Resident Council Meetings
- Monthly Resident Committee Meetings– The first Friday of each month, a small Resident Committee consisting of the Resident Council President, Vice President, Secretary, and a Resident Representative from the 100 Hall, 200 Hall, and 300 Hall meet to share any anonymous ideas, suggestions, concerns, complaints, questions, and/or praise. The monthly Resident Committee Meeting serves to provide residents with an available platform so that they don’t have to wait until the next quarterly meeting to pass along information. Any of the five representatives can be given information, and it will be shared with Preston Place Administration immediately following the monthly Committee Meeting. The administrator will determine if an issue can be quickly resolved or will need to be voted on at the next quarterly meeting. Both the quarterly (larger) Resident Council Meetings and the monthly (smaller) Resident Committee Meetings enable all residents of Preston Place to have a voice and an active role in their lives and the choices being made in their community.
- Dining Room Meal Times– Breakfast is served from 7:30am – 10:00am, lunch is served from 11:30am – 1:00pm, and supper is served from 4:30pm-5:30pm in our dining room daily. A resident can always come by the kitchen between meals for a snack, and our chef has no problem making adjustments for diet restrictions. There is always an option, so your family member can have a choice in what they eat at each meal. There is also access to food from the kitchen 24/7, around the clock, upon request. If your family member needs a midnight snack, no problem! Just let any employee know.
- Dining Room Seating– Personalized seating helps residents form a close-knit friendship with their table mates quickly, so no one ever comes into our dining room wondering where to sit. There will always be a seat reserved for you!
Laundry & Housekeeping
- Your family member’s laundry will be picked up, washed, dried, folded, and put away twice a week, on the same scheduled days each week. Simply use the provided laundry basket in their apartment’s closet, and we’ll take care of the rest. Their bed linens will be washed and changed once a week as well. We provide the laundry detergent, but please let us know if your family member has allergies to certain detergents.
- Apartment waste will be collected at least three times each day so that resident garbage should never be over flowing. Your family member’s apartment will be on a scheduled rotation to be thoroughly cleaned, dusted, vacuumed, mopped, and scrubbed once a week, but if there’s a need for more attention in a specific area, just let us know and we’ll make the necessary accommodations.
- All residents have a small refrigerator in their apartment for their convenience. Our housekeeping staff will help residents keep refrigerators clean as well. Microwaves and coffee pots are welcome in apartments, but some other electric kitchen appliances pose a fire hazard. If you have an item in question, just ask. Your family member is welcome to make use of our chef in our industrial-sized kitchen any time!
- Doctor Appointments– All residents can be driven to their local physician’s appointments by our Transportation Assistant. All a resident has to do is tell the Transportation Assistant the date, time, and location of the appointment in advance, and we will make sure your family member arrives on time and gets the necessary information back to our nursing staff.
- Wal-Mart– Sometimes there is an item your family member may need that isn’t offered in our general store. Your family member can make a grocery list, place it in our “Wal-Mart Box” located outside the Activity Room, and bi-monthly, our Transportation Assistant will take all lists, pick up the items at our local Wal-Mart, and bill the individual receipts to each resident’s statement. Our Transportation Assistant will also deliver the merchandise to each resident’s apartment as well.
- KATS Dial-A-Ride– Kingsport Area Transit Service (KATS) offers public transportation services for both seniors and individuals with disabilities who need boarding and/or disembarking assistance to get around town. The application for the Dial-A-Ride program will be in your family member’s admissions packet. For further questions, please visit or call 423-224-2613. Our Office Assistant can also help your family member call ahead to reserve a ride at least one business day in advance.
Health & Beauty
- Hair Salon– Preston Place has a hair salon on sight for any resident to get their hair shampooed, cut, colored, permed, or styled. Our stylist works on both men and ladies! Each resident is given an appointment day and time, and our stylist will assist residents to the beauty shop any time. The salon is located just down the hall from the Activity Room on the left. Prices are posted in the salon for all available services. Beauty charges are added to the monthly statement.
- Manicures– Twice a month residents can get manicures in the Activity Room. Although this is posted on the monthly activity calendar, the Activity Director will also place a sign-up sheet outside the Activity Room
a few days in advance. This allows us to know who wants their nails cut and/or freshly polished. If a resident isn’t in the Activity Room when it’s time for their manicure, an activity assistant will go get them. Employees will also assist any resident in trimming fingernails on any day, so residents never have to wait if their fingernails need cutting. All manicures are complimentary. - Pedicures– Residents can have a pedicure in our salon-grade pedicure spa chair in the Beauty Shop on any Monday or Tuesday by a licensed nail tech. The one hour service consists of soaking feet, loosening dry skin, cuticle care, toe nail trimming and moisturizing. Prices are listed in the Beauty Shop, beside the pedicure chair. Pedicure charges are added to the monthly statement.
- Personal Mail– Welcome to Your New Home! New residents can complete a change of address form and turn it in at our mailboxes to start having mail forwarded to their new address, which is 2001 N. John B. Dennis Hwy. Apt. (your apartment number) Kingsport, TN 37660. Each resident has their own locked mailbox, and mail is delivered by 10:00am Monday – Saturday. Residents also have a place for outgoing mail where they can send their own personal letters and bills out without having to leave our facility. Stamps can either be purchased from our mail carrier or from our Transportation Assistant on a Wal-Mart trip.
- Newspaper Subscriptions– Residents can easily transfer their newspaper subscriptions to their new Preston Place address with no problem! All they have to do is call the Kingsport Times News at 423-392-1390, and they will be helped hassle free! Each morning when newspapers are delivered, one of our Nurse’s Assistants will set a newspaper inside of each apartment for the residents who have a paid subscription. For those who aren’t interested in a daily subscription, there are always a few complimentary copies of the daily newspaper in the Activities Room or on an end-table throughout the facility.
- Basic Cable– Our basic cable package includes 99 channels and is provided by Charter. It is offered at a discounted rate of $22 a month. The $22 cable fee is put on the resident’s monthly statement. If a resident wants a different cable package above the 99 basic channels offered, they can simply call Charter and order their own cable package at 888-438-2427, 9:00am-7:00pm.
- Facebook– Keep up-to-date with the latest photos of activities, events, and outings by liking our Facebook page, Preston Place Community! Feel free to share pictures and “Tag” yourself when you see your family member in our Facebook albums!
- Free Wi-Fi– Free Wi-Fi is available in our facility for residents who enjoy the latest technology!
- Land Line Telephones– You can transfer your home telephone line and keep your same telephone number. Simply call your telephone service provider to transfer your phone service. If a resident chooses not to place a phone in the apartment, there will always be access to a public telephone 24/7, as our offices have phones throughout the building that residents may use to call out.
- Cell Phones– Several residents choose to keep a personal cell phone for contacting loved ones. This is a wonderful source of technology, but we ask that you turn your ringer down during activities, or simply step away from the event taking place while talking on your phone. We strive to remain considerate of our neighbors and guests when talking on cell phones throughout the building.
Medical Assistance
- On-Sight Physician Care– Dr. Lee is a geriatric physician who comes to Preston Place every Monday to care for residents who choose to use him as their Primary Care Physician. His Nurse Practitioner comes every Thursday as well. Your family member has the option of using Dr. Lee at Preston Place, not having to leave to get to the doctor, having their doctor on hand once a week, or maintaining their current Primary Care Physician and using either our Transportation Assistant, a family member, or a trusted friend to get them to their doctor appointments.
- 24 Hour Nursing Staff– Licensed Practical Nurses are on staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays, to make certain your family member is always getting the care they need. Our nursing staff also dispenses all medications to residents so that no pill is forgotten, taken too often, or overlooked. Our LPNs are supervised by our Director of Nursing, a Registered Nurse.
- Pharmacy Prescriptions– Glade Pharmacy packages all prescription medications for Preston Place residents, based on the Tennessee state requirement of all prescriptions being packaged by a licensed pharmacist. This ensures continuity when medications are being dispensed, and it also provides consistency so that one pharmacist knows all medications your family member is taking in order to prevent negative drug interactions. If your family member is prescribed a new medication today, don’t worry. Glade Pharmacy makes deliveries to Preston Place twice a day to insure all residents have all the medications they need. If your family member needs a new medication immediately, simply go ahead and fill it at the pharmacy of your choice, and then our nursing staff will have Glade Pharmacy re-package it so that your family member doesn’t have to wait. Glade Pharmacy will even re-package prescriptions provided by the VA (Veterans Affairs) Medical Center for a $5 fee per medication.